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Our club meeting for May 2023 was held at Pizza Hut in Eureka Springs.

         Minutes were read by Rudy for the April meeting.  There were no corrections.
 Pat moved to accept as read, Susan seconded,
         “I”s were unanimous, motion passed.

         Susan read the Treasurer’s report for April:
                                                                                 Previous balance             $1,213.22
                                                                                 Member dues                         25.00
                                                                                 Current balance $            $1,238.22

         Old business:   Pat suggested we join in the Shell Knob
       7:00pm net on every Thursday.
 Or do it on our repeater. 

         Scott said it should be a directed net on our repeater.
He will start the first net as net controller.
Scott also said what a directed net is and why.
  The net controller leads the net, calls for check-ins by all
         who want to participate. 
After the list is complete, we will be
         called in order and we will have a good net.

         Rudy:  We will have a workday next Thursday the 18th at the
         repeater site.
  Please call Rudy if you intend to participate.
Also, next month is field day June 24 Saturday & 25 Sunday
         and we will be doing our own thing with our own equipment
         and contacting as many stations as we can or want to just help
         other stations get their points.

           I believe Scott wants to experiment with an antenna 1 foot off
         the ground.
  Should be fun.

         June 10, a Saturday and the second Saturday of June.
         We will have a workday at the repeater site followed by
         a Club meeting with food. Rudy moved to accept the motion,
         Walt seconded it. “I”s were unanimous. Motion passed.

         Scott has found another way to get out and travel a little and
         use ham radio to make a minimum of 10 contacts to qualify.

The link below will get you all the information for this endeavor.

         And the last item is someone needs to find a Release of Liability
   Type into your browser   RocketLawyer.com
         You will need to follow their lead. It's free.

         Rudy brought the meeting to a close at 12:45pm

Attendees:  (11)
Pat Dean
         N6WIF              Terry Dean              N6WI                     
Walt Phelps    WA6LII              Mary Ellen Phelps   KG5WRV
Rudy Behrens  KE5MUE          Reta Behrens            Rudy’s YL
C. W. Warren
  W5CWW           Peggy Warren   KK5JW
Scott Hawes     K0WAV           Joy Hawes        K0HYF
Susan Wall       KA3MEX