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Generic form for programming radios.


Generic programming of your amateur radio.

Radio   Make:____________________   Model:________________________

Look up repeater frequency, __________   Tone _______   Offset  “+”  or  “-“
                                                                                                          (circle one)

As you find the information in your operator’s manual please fill in the page # for future references.
Unfortunately the manufactures of these radios do not follow this sequence. 
This is why this form was designed.
  Logical steps must be done in this order.
The blank lines are for filling in what you do in that stem.

1. VFO  Page #_____  Tap the VFO button to enter Variable Frequency Oscillator mode.
    No memory number showing is an indication you are in VFO. This will not work if you are in
    memory mode.


2. Steps  Page #_____ Set or check the frequency steps so you can tune the frequency you want.



3. Page _____     Enter the frequency of the repeater.  Each radio has its own particular way
    so check your manual.  Tap the number keys or dial the frequency of the repeater.



4. Page _____      Turn on the tone/PL.  
    Tap the tone button until a “T” appears in the display.



5. Page _____     Set the tone.  After you have turned on the tone you need to enter the
    particular tone frequency required by the repeater you are programming for.



6. Page _____    Turn on the offset if it is a repeater and not done automatically.



7. Page _____    If needed, check the amount of frequency offset. 600kHz for 2 meters and
    5 mhz for 440/70 cm



8. Page _____    Memorize:    Decide which memory location  #______  you want to save this
    information in, or you can use the next available number.

     A. Step one:  Page _____



     B. Step two:  Page _____



     C. Step three:  Page _____



Usually you will not be able to add alpha tag until after you have memorized.

     D. Add alpha numeric “name if available:  Page _____.




Other notes to keep for this radio.


